Táxis Ermesinde is available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, at any time of the year. Use the Táxis Ermesinde contacts to offer our support and help you improve the visibility of your business.

Taxis are means of transportation that are always close to places with a lot of movement and is a mean of transport that covers all different social classes.

Why invest in advertising in Táxis Ermesinde?

  • Possibility of segmentation of the areas that are intended to achieve
  • Excellent and constant visibility of the message
  • 24 hours a day on the move
  • Always close to the purchase decisions
  • Extensive geographic coverage
  • Higher profitability of advertising campaigns
  • Always at the eye level of passengers, motorists and pedestrians
  • Dominant in big cities
  • Do not have a predefined itinerary
  • Present in places of great movement where the outdoor advertising presents restrictions
  • Possibility of interacting with the customer, inside the car, presenting new products (samples and / or flyers)
  • A taxi comes to go 400 km in a day
  • Covers all segments and social classes, unlike many other transport

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