History and Architecture
Mesquita Mansion
Pedestrian Rails
Ecologic Rail
Leisure and environment
Center for Environmental Monitoring and Interpretation
Gastronomy and wines
white wines and bakery
Ermesinde is the city and the parish of municipality of Valongo with more population. And it was considered only parish since 1836 by the time the Town Hall was in Alfena. The parish of São Lourenço de Asmes was the result of the detachment of the southern part of the parish of Alfena and was made village in 1938. In the first quarter of the twentieth century was considered as a promising resort of rest, due to its quiet and rural area. In 1990, Ermesinde became city.
The “rivalry” with neighboring Alfena comes from the proximity of both parishes, based on an old legend between Saint Vincent (patron saint of Alfena) and Saint Lawrence (patron saint of Ermesinde) and the detachment (after administrative reform) of a part of the South zone of Alfena for the creation of São Lourenço de Asmes.
Annually are also organized plenty of cultural events such as The Magic Valongo, whose one of the biggest international references in illusionism.
Ermesinde has also based a professional theater company called “Cabeças no Ar e Pés na Terra”.
In the city of Ermesinde, annually are celebrated popular feasts. Every second Sunday of June of each year, the popular feast of Santa Rita, in the Igreja de Santa Rita (Church of Santa Rita), welcomes every year thousands of pilgrims who come, through their strong devotion to Santa Milagreira (Saint Miraclous), in search of healing for their sufferings . It is known as “Santa dos Impossíveis” (“Saint of the Impossibles”).
To celebrate the end of the year, the feast of S. Silvestre is celebrated on the last day of each year. Days before, the streets of the city center are illuminated, with the double meaning of celebrating the Christmas season and announcing the party. As in this time there are several festivals in the nearby cities, as a way to differentiate, the city of Ermesinde on the religious part is realized the Solemn Mass and the procession that crosses some streets of the city (only being realized when the time allows). On the profane part consists of singers, variety artists, and the prestigious marathon, “S. Silvestre de Ermesinde “.